Julia-Marie warren

sHE/her | Class in 1 word: informative

Music Julia-Marie is vibing on right now

  • Yoga, Train, Train + Row

    Julia-Marie is an incredibly knowledgeable instructor who ensures to include sequences to strengthen the body in every class. She ensures there is a huge emphasis on proper form and technique in each program while providing a challenge with scalable options throughout.

  • Alternative, Pop

    Expect a wide range of music and artists in Julia-Marie’s classes. She loves exploring music, new and old! Her favourites are Tim Baker, Lumineers, Taylor Swift, Bon Iver, and Caamp.

  • You’ll always see Julia-Marie on weekend mornings getting her sweat on in the Spin or Row room. She is a big fan of Metric classes, particularly chasing that “race pace.”

Julia-Marie offers such a welcoming environment for Flow, it’s my favourite class. Always offering a variety of options for each pose and there is a perfect balance between movement and rest!
— Community member