vic cave

sHE/her | Class in 1 word: powerful

Music Vic is vibing on right now

  • Metric Spin

    Each Metric Spin class with Vic has a different vibe! In Endurance, expect long intervals with repetitive movements at a consistent pace. In Power, expect a class focused on power output through tension and isolations. Finally, in HIIT, expect a high-intensity, fast-paced class with shorter working periods to drive up the heart rate.

  • EDM, Dubstep, Throwback Remixes

    Expect to hear Tiesto, Will Sparks, Dillon Francis and Skrillex on the AUX. Explicit lyrics may apply!

  • Vic loves to start her Saturdays with Brianna’s Row + Train at 9:30 a.m.

The absolute best metric classes! The music, vibe, encouragement, templates and overall structure are unmatched!
— Community member